
December 9, 2019

Bigfoot Sasquatch - Primal People?

I am a huge fan of those top 10 countdowns on YouTube, especially the ones of ghost pictures and creatures caught on camera. So one day I stumbled upon some Bigfoot videos, and then found Sasquatch audio - and now I don't know WTF to believe. Either there are people in full blown Bigfoot costumes wandering around forests in remote places all over the country or, I don't know, see/hear for yourself...

November 6, 2019

Spiritual Awakening & Enlightenment

This movie covers the topics of awakening, enlightenment, spirituality and might just explore philosophically empowering messages that reveal the beauty and mystery of the universe. Very interesting. You won't be disappointed! 

August 24, 2019


This is some sick shit. 

That rare substance is called Adrenochrome. And aside from having near miraculous scientifically tested regenerative abilities in rejuvenation of human tissue, restoration of nerve responsivity and cognitive function, adrenochrome holds near mythic status as the Calistoga “fountain of youth” immortality substance for the global elite. The Unholy Grail of the Luciferian pedophile cultists who rule and reign in our midst. Adrenochrome harvest and acquisition is the WHY of everything else in the emerging and pernicious realm of unspeakable acts of child sex trafficking, abduction, abuse exploitation and even child sacrifice by the world elite. And it’s all coming out.