
November 20, 2021

Vaccine Madness



I am at the point of absolute disbelief. The state of this country is so corrupt and deplorable it’s insane. 

The Covid vaccine became available last January. It really ramped up this summer; you could get it for free at any CVS, etc. People couldn’t wait to get it. I saw absolutely no reason at all to get it. I don’t go to doctors. I don’t take meds. I take vitamins. I smoke my vape pen. I’ve had no need to see a doctor for over 17 years. All but the gyno - I see her every few years. I digress…

I’m not sure why anyone would want to get the vax. I did not understand how seemingly intelligent respectable people were lining up for it. Do any of them take 10 minutes to research something they are going to inject into their body? Their KIDS bodies? I mean, we have instant access to information on our phones. I myself Google every god damn thing I can, because I don’t know a lot about most things, just like everyone else. I want to learn. 

Is it blind absolute trust in our government? It seems so. Is it full trust in the family doctors? I would think yes more so than the government. 

Ok. I get that. People trust authorities. We are supposed to trust our leaders because THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE TRUSTWORTHY. Period. That’s how it’s supposed to be.

Yet now, it seems so silly to believe that. 

This vaccine is unsafe. It has not been fully tested. On humans. It is hurting and killing people and no one knows about it. 

In the UK, during the month of September, Covid deaths in the 40-70 age groups were recorded in a study. The results were terrifying. 

There were 3150 total Covid deaths. 

         551 deaths occurred of unvaccinated people. 

        2601 deaths occurred of VACCINATED people.

Read that again. 

Here are some screenshots from vaersanalysis