
September 17, 2022

Sandy Hook facts I can’t get past

This topic still haunts me. It’s been 10 years. No one cares anymore. This is not a topic I ever bring up or share my thoughts about because it’s too taboo. To say the violent deaths of 20 children was not real is just too much to go into. 

Almost all of the information that wasn’t published by mainstream media is gone. 

At this point I do not focus on the alleged deaths that occurred. I focus on the wildly obvious red flags that should never have been there if this was an actual event. 

It’s that time of year where we go into schools and do cleaning and signage. Every single time I enter a school I go back to being baffled by the conditions at Sandy Hook Elementary in December of 2012. 

I cannot stress enough how dirty, moldy and unkempt the SHE school exterior building was. It’s completely unacceptable and deplorable. The lack of ADA required elements in the parking lot alone was astounding. There is no way that school passed ANY inspections. 

There is no way that people relocated to that town to send their kids to that school. I’ve seen schools in the North Philadelphia ghettos that are in better shape. 

Just the building entrance alone says volumes. The small flower bed was filled with dead leaves and dead plants, in December, well past the fall clean up time. I would think such a “prestigious” school would at least form a committee of parents to clean up the beds or hire a landscaper- which the school district does. If you look at the other schools in that district, they are lovely. As they should be. 

Here’s an example of what kind of contractual work is done each year for a typical school district: 

Hot water pressure washing of all exterior: Sidewalks, walkways, driveways, doors, walls up to window level, hard surface courts, playground structures and athletic apparatuses. Washing of any mildew or dirt on any exterior wall or surface as needed. 

Removal and prevention of any vegetation on exterior hard surfaces (weeds coming through cracks) 

Parking lot - Line repainting every 2 years. Seal coating every 4-5 years. Resurfacing of asphalt every 8-9 years. 

SHE school had dirt streaks and mildew everywhere. Weeds and grass sprouting from almost every seam at the building. The parking lot was riddled with tar mended cracks, the painted lines were faded and the asphalt was sun bleached enough to indicate that no type of maintenance had occurred in several years. The roof was in poor condition. Many of the windows were foggy. 

This school was a dump. 

There is NO WAY this school was an open and operating facility. Period. 

Just these facts alone - before even going inside - raise every red flag. 

Why lie about the school? 

Why did CNN air footage of a SWAT team entering SHE, that was proven to be older footage from a drill at a school near SHE? 

It’s been proven that the SHE school did not have an internet connection for several years including 2012. 

I can’t get past the ridiculously simple thing that is the entrance of the school. The main door hundreds of people use everyday. The beds surrounding the entrance were full of dead bushes and dead leaves. You’re telling me that by mid December, when fall has been over, no one had simply raked the leaves out? If I worked there I would take care of it on my lunch break it would annoy me so much. It was a small area. No one had any pride at the school? 

Every other school in that district had mulched beds, no leaves and well kept shrubs. 

So, yeah, I can’t get past that. 

But these are details that no one notices. Until you really look. 

Check out the pics of the school in my previous Sandy Hook posts

Unravelling the Sandy Hook Narrative