
January 12, 2018

Sandy Hook: red flags part 1

This event has a haunting effect. It holds such a dark energy, it's beyond tragic. I did not read much about it at the time. I didn't want to. Then I did and was horrified... 

Four days after their child was killed and they are on CNN smiling? 

It wasn't until our company was awarded a $20,000 contract from the top ranked school district in the country to letter every window in every school with room numbers, because of the Sandy Hook shooting, that I looked into this event. 

January 10, 2018

Sandy Hook: red flags part 2

Then I started watching the family interviews. These interviews really astounded me. Most were done within a day or two of the event. Instantly I was wondering how these parents were able to get it together and go through with these interviews BEFORE the funerals of their children.

Now, I don’t know about you, but if my child was brutally murdered in a mass shooting, I would be inconsolable. For days, weeks, months. 

Sandy Hook: red flags part 3

The next set of red flags were the news reports and witness interviews.

- CNN showed video footage of a SWAT team going into the school. (above photo) Only it WAS NOT SANDY HOOK ELEMENTARY. It was footage of a drill at a different school, St. Rose of Lima, taken weeks before. I’m sorry but WHAT THE FUCK?? WHY would CNN fake that?