
This blog is a collaboration of my many years of research on many different topics. It is hard to ignore the extreme corruption and deceit that has become the new normal in this country and in the world. I just look at evidence. I go into each topic/event hoping to debunk the conspiracy, but more often than not, I can't. I am not here to preach or convince anyone of anything, I am just sharing my findings. Do your own research, make up your own mind.

August 25, 2011

Ancient artwork with images of UFO's...explain that?

This is one of my favorite topics. I wasn't aware of any of this until seeing the History Channel's "Ancient Aliens" one night and I was hooked. Why wouldn't make sense that visitors have been coming here to earth for thousands, even millions of years?

We have seen that there is a lot of evidence supporting an alien interaction with humans in ancient writings and artwork. When we take a look at some of the paintings and artwork from the religious painters of 650 to 150 or more years ago we also see a lot of evidence of an alien influence.
Why would painters who are representing significant religious themes include strange flying crafts in their paintings? Why hasn’t the public in general noticed these supposed anomalies?
Perhaps we can find further evidence to prove the existence of aliens in the religious artwork of the past.
The Crucifixion With UFOs
Here is a painting that is titled “The Crucifixion”. This fresco was created in the year 1350 and is currently displayed over the altar of the Visoki Decani Monestary in Kosovo. In this painting you will notice two very strange elements in the upper right and left corners.

What could they be? Below you will see, in the zoom in enlargements, just what is being represented in this 650 year old painting. I am sure that you will be as amazed as I was when I first saw this. These craft need no explanation as you can plainly see the pilot in the fuselage.

The Madonna with Saint Giovannino Showing UFO
Here is another very interesting religious painting which seems to show an alien spacecraft. It is entitled “The Madonna with Saint Giovannino”.
This Madonna was painted sometime during the 1400s. The artist’s name is not known, but the painting has been credited to the Lippi school. At first glance you will probably notice a strange shape in the sky above the Madonna’s left shoulder. If you were to see the original, full size painting you would see the object clearly.
Looking at the enlargement of that area you can see that there is some sort of flying craft in the sky. You can even see that there is a man and his dog standing there who seem to be looking up at the craft.

The Baptism of Christ With UFO in the Sky
Here we have a painting which was created by Aert De Gelder in 1710, it is titled “The Baptism of Christ”. This painting is currently on display at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge.
Pay particular attention to the flying saucer shaped object which seems to be casting rays of light upon Jesus Christ and John the Baptist.
Why did the artist add such a feature to his painting? Why do we see objects which appear to by UFOs in these old religious paintings?

Svetishoveli Crucifixion With Two UFOs in Sky
This painting is displayed at the Svetishoveli Cathedral in Georgia.
The fresco dates from the 1800s and includes two odd looking objects in the sky on either side of the Christ.
In the zoom in enlargement below you will see that the two objects are actually some sort of UFO looking craft which actually have faces in them.
Do these objects represent alien spacecraft and are the faces supposed to be the pilots who are flying the crafts?