
This blog is a collaboration of my many years of research on many different topics. It is hard to ignore the extreme corruption and deceit that has become the new normal in this country and in the world. I just look at evidence. I go into each topic/event hoping to debunk the conspiracy, but more often than not, I can't. I am not here to preach or convince anyone of anything, I am just sharing my findings. Do your own research, make up your own mind.

March 5, 2018

The Las Vegas Shooting

Is it me or did this story fall off of the radar fast? From day one nothing seemed right. Countless reports of more than one shooter. Videos proving more than one shooter. Why the shitty investigation?

This letter to the editor sums it up well in my opinion:
It’s been almost two months now, and we’re hearing very little new information and updates regarding the tragic Las Vegas massacre. By now, you would think we would know much more about all that happened that horrible night at the country music festival.

The lack of reporting news updates seems very odd to me. Wouldn’t you think the authorities — the sheriff’s department along with the FBI and ATF — would’ve gained much more additional information regarding this horrible shooting? I’m sure the investigation is on-going, but wouldn’t you think they’d report more information to us, or are they holding back for some reason on new info regarding this crime? Are they withholding information that may hinder their continuing investigation if they let it out, or are they just overwhelmed by the complexity of the crime? Are the authorities holding back until they’re able to speak with more experts or eye-witnesses?
We’ve seen much more news updates and videos regarding the horrible church massacre in Texas that occurred a few weekends ago. Consider all the information we’ve been given for that church shooting with videos, all the eyewitness accounts and testimonies — seemingly a very cohesive story and all of the pieces fitting together.
Now compare this to the Las Vegas shooting and consider this church was located in a remote, under-populated area and the tragedy in Las Vegas was in a very populated area, the entertainment capital of the world, where they have many more security cameras and very elaborate top notch surveillance video everywhere you look. All the casinos and hotels have cameras all over the entire properties closely monitoring everyone and everything. One would think there would be hundreds of surveillance videos in the hotel and grounds that would show a ton of information. Are the Mandalay Bay and MGM Corp. trying to cover-up something — possibly because of the hundreds of lawsuits pending? That’s a troubling thought; it just seems like a mystery to me.
I’m not suggesting a conspiracy theory, but a lot of information and updates have not been passed on to the public. I’m in no way whatsoever overlooking that both events are tragic and horrible, but it’s certainly interesting and makes us think that a lot of info is missing, to say the least. And what about all the information surrounding the Mandalay Bay security guard, Jesus Campos, and the deceased murder suspect Steven Paddock. What about Paddock’s girlfriend, Marilou Danley? Is she a potential suspect? I’m just curious like most of us and have to ask, why was Campos allowed to leave the country shortly after the shooting? This guy is a key witness, for goodness sake. In most other major crimes of this nature, he isn’t allowed to go anywhere!

Nothing new has been reported regarding neither of these key people that I’ve seen or heard in awhile. I’ve thought from the beginning things were very strange about this entire story and I still do. I’m just thinking about several bits and pieces that don’t seem to mesh together at all regarding this horrible mass shooting, the worst in our nation’s modern-day history. Why don’t we hear more than we have about this case, with so many unanswered questions? Sure seems like a big cover-up going on. A lot of things just don’t add up! Something seems amiss to me, as well as friends, and many other people I’ve spoken with regarding this heinous crime. Are we all convinced and satisfied with the theory that Paddock was the lone shooter? Maybe he did do it all by himself. I just find it hard to believe — it’s just a thought I’ve had from the beginning.
Again, I’m not initiating any conspiracy theories, but a lot about this story just makes one wonder regarding what’s not being told and what really happened that deadly night and who all were involved. Thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and families affected by these horrible massacres.