
This blog is a collaboration of my many years of research on many different topics. It is hard to ignore the extreme corruption and deceit that has become the new normal in this country and in the world. I just look at evidence. I go into each topic/event hoping to debunk the conspiracy, but more often than not, I can't. I am not here to preach or convince anyone of anything, I am just sharing my findings. Do your own research, make up your own mind.

August 24, 2019


This is some sick shit. 

That rare substance is called Adrenochrome. And aside from having near miraculous scientifically tested regenerative abilities in rejuvenation of human tissue, restoration of nerve responsivity and cognitive function, adrenochrome holds near mythic status as the Calistoga “fountain of youth” immortality substance for the global elite. The Unholy Grail of the Luciferian pedophile cultists who rule and reign in our midst. Adrenochrome harvest and acquisition is the WHY of everything else in the emerging and pernicious realm of unspeakable acts of child sex trafficking, abduction, abuse exploitation and even child sacrifice by the world elite. And it’s all coming out.
Previously relegated well beyond the awareness and understanding of the general public, a naturally occurring human endocrine secretion is becoming a focal point of attention of people awakening to the broadening Jeffrey Epstein scandal and the tectonic realignment of human perception lurking beneath the surface of that legal proceeding and its connotations for the reality of the greatest evil in our time: child sex trafficking, ritualized sex abuse of children and child sacrifice. 
What is Adrenochrome?

Adrenochrome is the powerful hormonal precursor for adrenaline secreted by the body in large amounts in moments of intense fear, anger or perceived life threatening danger. It’s purpose, as determined by scientists is both to optimize the adrenaline response of muscles and nerves of the body while also protecting bodily tissues and organs from the rigors of adrenaline rush, acting as both buffer and optimizer to accelerate the adrenalized flight or fight mechanism of human fear response in survival situations. Think of it as a fuel additive for the souped-up “funny car” launch of human survival instinct when confronted by life threatening physical danger or terror. And there’s nothing like it on earth.

PizzaGate, Hollywood, Pedophilia, Child Rape and Missing Children 
All of these are tied together. In a nutshell - the elite abduct children, abuse, torture and rape them and then extract their blood which they drink and have injectable adrenochrome made. It is like a fountain of youth with a euphoric high. There is so much evidence to support this. It appears also that child rape and torture are desired activities without the adrenochrome harvesting. 
Remember Carol Anne from Poltergeist? She died at age 12 under unusual circumstances. Read about it here

My good friend Jordan pointed out that Disney's Monsters Inc movie is literally defining what the pedo-adrenochrome thing is all about.